Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 12:01:10 -0800 Larry Wall wrote:
>It's really a pity that question mark is already so overloaded with
>boolean connotations, because
>    $dog? .bark
>would really be the best postfix operator in ASCII for this.
>People would probably end up writing
>    my Dog $spot ?= .new;
>as an idiom.  And
>    @array?[.min .. .max]
>would be the way to get a topicalized subscript.  

some time in the past there was a talk about ... ?? ...  :: ... operator being 
a combination of two binary : ?? and :: . But I dont know the ruling. 
If one factorize trinary ??:: to two binary operators,  
?? could act   a postfix topicalazer while :: becomes binary 
operator : 
$a :: $b  evaluates to left or right argument according to true/false property of the 
_current topic_ 
something like infix:::($a,$b){ given  CALLER::_ { when .true return $a ; return $b } 
but it evaluate $b only 
if necessary. 


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