On Fri, Mar 12, 2004 at 05:32:33AM -0500, Austin Hastings wrote:
: Boo, hiss.
: Two things:
: 1- I'd rather use "inplace" than self.

What is this "place" thing?  I want the object to do something to itself
reflexively, which may or may not involve places...

: 2- I'd rather it be AFTER, than BEFORE, the name, because
:   method sort
:   method sort:inplace
: reads, and more importantly SORTS, better than
:   method inplace:sort
:   method sort

Well, that's a point that has some weight, but...

: To wit:
:       method :infix:<=>(Array, Array) returns Scalar
:       method :infix:==(Array, Array) returns Boolean
:       method :infix:!=(Array, Array) returns Boolean
:       method :infix:===(Array, Array) returns Boolean
:       method :infix:!==(Array, Array) returns Boolean
:       method :infix:x(Array) returns Array
:       method :infix:x:inplace(Array is rw)
:       ### Note: How to handle [undef]? return-undef, or PHP-like push?
:       method :postfix:[](Array is rw, ?Scalar) returns Scalar
:       ### Inplace-only?
:       method clear(Array is rw) returns Boolean
:       method compact(Array) returns Array
:       method compact:inplace(Array is rw)
:       ### Inplace-only?
:       method delete(Array is rw, Int) returns WHAT, exactly?
:       method difference(Array, Array) returns Array           #A-B
:       method differences(Array, Array) returns Array          #(A-B) + (B-A)
:       method exists(Array, Scalar) returns Boolean
:       method flatten(Array) returns Array
:       method flatten:inplace(Array is rw) returns Array
:       method grep(Array, Code) returns Array
:       method includes(Array, Scalar) returns Boolean
:       method index(Array, Scalar) returns Int
:       method intersect(Array, Array)
:       method is_empty(Array) return Boolean
:       method join(Array, String)
:       method length(Array)
:       method map(Array, Code) returns Array
:       method pack(Array, String) returns String
:       method reverse(Array) returns Array
:       method reverse:inplace(Array is rw)
:       method rindex(Array) returns Int
:       ### Boy are these likely to be wrong!
:       method sort(Array, ?Code) returns Array
:       method sort:inplace(Array is rw, ?Code)
:       ### Inplace-only?
:       method splice(Array is rw, ?Int, ?Int, ?Array)
:       method union(Array, Array) returns Array
:       method unique(Array) returns Array
:       method unique:inplace(Array is rw)
:       ### Inplace-only?
:       multi method fill(Array is rw, Scalar, Int, Int)
:       multi method fill(Array is rw, Scalar, Int)
:       multi method fill(Array is rw, Scalar, Array)
:       ### Inplace-only?
:       multi method pop(Array is rw, ?Int) returns Array
:       multi method pop(Array is rw) returns Scalar
:       ### Inplace-only?
:       multi method unshift(Array is rw, Scalar) returns Array
:       multi method unshift(Array is rw, Array) returns Array
:       ### Inplace-only?
:       multi method push(Array is rw, Array) returns Array
:       multi method push(Array is rw, Scalar)
:       ### Inplace-only?
:       multi method shift(Array is rw, Int) returns Array
:       multi method shift(Array is rw) returns Scalar
:       multi sub each(Array) returns Iterator   # HOW does this work?

But you can put the declarations in whatever order you want regardless
of the default collation order, so this is kind of a weak argument unless
you're writing a tool, in which case you could certainly ignore whatever
prefixes you like when you sort.

: (Note also that :...fix sorts better than in-, post-, and pre-. I'd like to
: suggest changing
: them, since it costs nothing and results in a mild improvement in automation
: behavior.)

The main reason those are out front is to reduce grammatical ambiguity
when you use an operator sub name where a term is expected.  That is,
it's harder to parse:

    $x = +:foo();

correctly than

    $x = foo:+();

Even with sort:inplace, how does the parser know that the name is
"sort:inplace", or whether the user is trying to pass a pair :inplace
to the "sort" routine?  The foo:-style prefixes are "reserved" in
general, but the :foo pair is not, and it would be a mistake to start
introducing reserved pairs, I think, much like the Perl 5 problem
that ARGV is truly global while ARGH is not.

: > > Another interesting question, if the "postfix:.=foo" mess is defined
: > > with as self:foo, should infix:+= be defined as self:+ instead?
: > > In other words, should the <op>= syntax really be a metasyntax like
: > > hyperoperators, where you never actually have to define a C<»+«>
: > > operator, but the hyperoperator is always autogenerated from ordinary
: > > C<+>?  So basically any infix:<op>= gets remapped to self:<op>.
: >
: > I think that would be cleaner.
: Alternatively, is there a valid reason to *need* to define your own
: hyperoperator?
: That is, can you code C< @a +« $x > better than C< @a.map {return $_ + $x}
: >? I suspect that it's possible to do so, particularly for such simple cases
: as assignment. (Hint: Persistent objects, database,  one SQL statement per
: assignment.)
: So perhaps I should ask for an :infix:=« operator override?

I'm extremely leary of giving people the right to break the "hyper"
contract.  Which they will do left and right if given opportunity.
The hyper contract says

    @a »operator« @b

always applies the operator in parallel to corresponding elements.
I don't want people using »« for other higher-order mathmatical
operators that just happen to work on arrays of multiple elements.
They can find their own operators for that...

But if there were a way of keeping the contract while giving the
flexibility to the implementor, that would be okay.

: > > On the other hand, it also means that
: > > someone can say silly things like:
: > >
: > >     $a cmp= $b
: > >     $a ~~= $b
: > >
: > > I suppose we could simply disallow meta-= on non-associating operators.
: > > Can anyone come up with a non-associating binary operator that *should*
: > > have an assignment operator?  The basic definition of non-associating
: > > seems to be that the type of the arguments is incompatible with the
: > > type produced by the operator.  Which is precisely the problem with
: > > something like
: > >
: > >     $a cmp= $b
: > >
: > > insofar as $a is being treated as a string at one moment and as a
: boolean
: > > at the next.
: >
: > I think it's "merely" a philosophical problem.
: >
: > After all, we don't complain when people write:
: >
: >     $a = $a cmp $b;
: >
: > So should we complain when people write exactly the same thing, only as:
: >
: >     $a cmp= $b;
: >
: > Stylistically, they're equally as abhorrent, but Perl users aren't
: expecting
: > the Stylish Inquisition.
: >
: So long as you allow modifiers in there, as:
:    $a cmp:i:n=8= $b;
: I'm okay with it. Good luck with <=>=

We're thinking that adverbs on infix ops have to go after the right arg:

    $a cmp= $b :i:n(8);

That is, op modifiers are only allowed where an op is expected.  Otherwise
we can't use a general :foo() syntax for pairs when terms are expected.


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