On Mon, Mar 15, 2004 at 04:22:27PM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
: That's going to be the only way to reasonably unload a module, and 
: even then there'll be some interesting repercussions. Like... what 
: happens when you unload a module with instantiated objects? How can 
: you tell if there are secondary modules that need unloading? Does 
: unloading actually unload, or just remove as many links to the module 
: as we can and we then unload it when the last real reference to it 
: goes away? Can we *re*load a module that's been unloaded? (The answer 
: to that last one's no, for some modules that load in external 
: libraries)
: It's an interesting problem. Modules leave debris around which can 
: make it difficult to properly deal with, and allowing them to be 
: unloaded requires a fair amount of thought.

Which is all good reason to assume a module is not unloadable unless
it declares its intent to be unloadable--and then it's just on a
"best effort" basis.

"Best effort" is one of those phrases that doesn't mean what it means...


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