At 12:59 PM -0500 3/23/04, Butler, Gerald wrote:
        I've created the following WIKI
( in
response to Havoc Pennington's recent Opinion Article on Footnotes which
advocates JAVA/JVM as the future of the Open Source Desktop.

Please, feel free to check this out and respond as appropriate.

Two important things:

1) Parrot's not hit 1.0 yet. Much as I like it (It is, after all, my fault) there are large portions not yet done. It works fine with what is finished, and I'm using it in a production project at work, but its not in a state that I'd recommend general usage.

2) Parrot isn't an acronym, and as such should be capitalized Parrot. (Unless you're on a teletype or using RAD-50) If you want to use PARROT the proper usage is:


* which stands for nothing

3) I can't count

4) While I know folks do love getting worked up and frothing over Their Favorite Software (which is, of course, The Absolute Right Thing for every possible use) I think nearly everyone involved would prefer the advocacy and "Your code/model/scheme/idea sucks!" messages to get routed elsewhere, rather than on any of these lists. I suggest /dev/null, but local conditions may vary. NL: and NLA0: are both nice places to save those message drafts, and remember that the advocacy versions of all these lists are hosted @ (Which is much better suited to handle this sort of traffic... :)

--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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