Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I finally figured out why the windows machine wasn't showing in the
> tinderbox, and fixed that. (System dates. D'oh!) We now have (again) a
> reliable windows machine building parrot for test, both under Cygwin and
> Visual Studio/.NET (though it builds a native executable there rather
> than a .NET one)
> The VS/.NET build works fine, though three of the tests fail for odd
> reasons. Those look like potential test harness errors.
> The cygwin build sorta kinda works OK, but the link fails because of a
> missing _inet_pton. I seem to remember this cropping up in the past and
> I thought we'd gotten it fixed, but apparently not.
> Anyway, these are set for hourly builds at half-hour offsets, so if you
> check in any significant changes it'd be advisable to take a look at the
> results. For those that don't know, all the tinderbox info is
> web-accessable at
> http://tinderbox.perl.org/tinderbox/bdshowbuild.cgi?tree=parrot

Hmm... I note that there appear to be no Macintoshes in the
tinderbox. I can probably spare some cycles to this; what's the

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