On Sun, Mar 28, 2004 at 02:11:01AM -0500, Will Coleda wrote:

> use lib qw(../lib ../../lib ../../../lib);
> use Parrot::Config;
> my $path = $INC{"Parrot/Config.pm"};
> $path =~ s:lib/Parrot/Config.pm$::;
> to figure out the path to the parrot executable.
> Is this too evil, or should I go ahead and nuke Russia --- er, I mean, 
> submit my tcl patches, and then patches to the other languages to make 
> them do the same?

There is the danger that with an @INC like that you can pick up modules from
directories outside (ie immediately above) the parrot build tree.
Which can cause test failures.
(IIRC some of MakeMaker's tests can do this, and I've yet to supply schwern
with a patch)

Nicholas Clark

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