On Apr 11, 2004, at 12:17 PM, Will Coleda wrote:

This is with a checkout post-ICU, on an OSX with a 1/2 gig of RAM.

bash-2.05a$ make test
Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
t/pmc/perlnum.t 1 256 36 1 2.78% 36
1 test and 84 subtests skipped.
Failed 1/99 test scripts, 98.99% okay. 1/1489 subtests failed, 99.93% okay.

(wow. tests seem slower post-ICU)

Yes, that's (I hope) mostly due the the large libicuuc.a getting copied while linking into all of the src tests.

(At some point, we should set things up to build both dynamic and archive versions of libparrot by default, and be sure to dynamically link for the src tests--that would avoid copying the bits of the libraries around into each test executable, and speed things up quite a bit. I started working on that once--I'll have to dig it up and see what needs to be done to finish it. Not much, I think.)


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