On Tue, Apr 13, 2004 at 02:27:08PM +0200, Juerd wrote:
> David Cantrell skribis 2004-04-13 13:16 (+0100):
> > Perl 6, we are promised, will try to run "legacy" code unchanged.  How
> > will it spot such legacy code?  Doing this reliably is a hard problem,
> > but we can make it easier.  I suggest that people put:
> >   use perl5;
> Why change what already works?
>     use 5;
>     no 6;

But "no VERSION" does not work, at least in 5.8.3:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat foo
  use 5;
  no 6;
  print "version 5, not version 6\n";
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ perl foo
  syntax error at foo line 2, near "no 6;"
  Execution of foo aborted due to compilation errors.

and my discussion with Nicholas didn't lead me to believe that it would
work in the upcoming 5.8.4 either.

David Cantrell | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

  All principles of gravity are negated by fear
                                            -- Cartoon Law V

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