It's time to come again with this topic, last discussion was AFAIK in:

  Newsgroups: perl.perl6.internals
  Date: Thu, 22 Jan 2004 14:35:54 -0500
  Subject: Re: Another GC bug
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan Sugalski)

Attached is the slightly modified version of This generates a string "resource" file from _S("string") macros.

I've modified src/objects.c to use these macros for get_init_meth (when CALL__BUILD is enabled):

$ perl src/objects.c > src/objects.str
$ make -s
$ time CALL__BUILD=1  parrot -j oo2b.pasm

real    0m3.229s               # w #include "objects.str"
real    0m3.950s               # w string_make

1) Can we make that compile silently?
2) Do all compilers understand this struct initializer?
3) How can we best integrate such a solution into the build process (not all files - or better only a few files will need pre-processing)?

Comments welcome,

PS current __init call (oo2) is 2.7 seconds. The two additional hash lookups are rather expensive.
--- parrot/src/objects.c        Thu Apr 15 16:02:02 2004
+++ parrot-leo/src/objects.c    Fri Apr 16 11:49:55 2004
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
 #include "parrot/parrot.h"
 #include <assert.h>
+//#include "objects.str"
+#define _S(s) const_string(interpreter, s)
 static PMC *
 clone_array(Parrot_Interp interpreter, PMC *source_array)
@@ -461,12 +462,11 @@
 static PMC*
 get_init_meth(Parrot_Interp interpreter, PMC *class,
-        const char * init_name, STRING **meth_str)
+        const STRING *prop_str , STRING **meth_str)
     PMC *prop;
-    STRING *prop_str, *meth;
+    STRING *meth;
 #if 0
-    prop_str = const_string(interpreter, init_name);
     prop = VTABLE_getprop(interpreter, class, prop_str);
     if (!VTABLE_defined(interpreter, prop))
         return NULL;
@@ -476,7 +476,6 @@
     PMC *props;
     if ( !(props = PMC_metadata(class)))
         return NULL;
-    prop_str = const_string(interpreter, init_name);
     b = hash_get_bucket(interpreter,
                 (Hash*) PMC_struct_val(props), prop_str);
     if (!b)
@@ -515,7 +514,8 @@
          *    no redispatch
         STRING *meth_str;
-        PMC *meth = get_init_meth(interpreter, class, "CONSTRUCT", &meth_str);
+        PMC *meth = get_init_meth(interpreter, class, _S("CONSTRUCT"),
+                &meth_str);
         if (meth) {
             if (init)
                 Parrot_run_meth_fromc_args_save(interpreter, meth,
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@
         for (i = nparents - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
             parent_class = VTABLE_get_pmc_keyed_int(interpreter,
                     classsearch_array, i);
-            meth = get_init_meth(interpreter, parent_class, "BUILD", &meth_str);
+            meth = get_init_meth(interpreter, parent_class, _S("BUILD"), &meth_str);
             if (meth) {
                 if (init)
                     Parrot_run_meth_fromc_args_save(interpreter, meth,
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@
                             object, meth_str);
-        meth = get_init_meth(interpreter, class, "BUILD", &meth_str);
+        meth = get_init_meth(interpreter, class, _S("BUILD"), &meth_str);
         if (meth) {
             if (init)
                 Parrot_run_meth_fromc_args_save(interpreter, meth,

Description: Perl program

    newclass P1, "Foo"
    new P2, .PerlString
    set P2, "init"
    setprop P1, "BUILD", P2
    addattribute P1, ".i"
    addattribute P1, ".j"

    set I10, 0
    set I11, 500000
    find_type I12, "Foo"
    new P3, I12
    inc I10
    lt I10, I11, loop

    new P3, I12
    classoffset I0, P3, "Foo"
    getattribute P2, P3, I0
    print P2
    print "\n"
.namespace ["Foo"]
.pcc_sub init:
    classoffset I0, P2, "Foo"
    new P10, .PerlInt
    set P10, 10
    setattribute P2, I0, P10
    inc I0
    new P10, .PerlInt
    set P10, 20
    setattribute P2, I0, P10
    invoke P1

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