On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 11:00:33AM -0500, Abhijit A. Mahabal wrote:
: If we have a method that returns Dog if it returns anything at all, can we
: say:
: method foo returns Dog|undef {...}

Yes, but...  You'd say that only if you wanted to allow a return
type that can be simultaneously Dog and undef, as well as either.
Remember that | is inclusive-OR, not exclusive.  The default meaning of

    method foo returns Dog {...}

is actually

    method foo returns Dog^undef {...}

since any Object is implicitly allowed to be undef instead.

: In a similar vein, if the function reurns a dog or a refernce to an array
: , can we use  Dog|Array?

Certainly.  Again, you might wish to be more specific with Dog^Array,
though Dog|Array will certainly work, and is arguably more readable.

: And is this legal:
: given ($obj){
:       when Dog: ...
:       when Array: ...
:          #obviously $obj can be a ref to an array, not itself an array
: }

Yes.  Note that there's little distinction in Perl 6 between a ref to an
an array and the array itself.  If you use an array in scalar context, you
automatically get the reference.


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