On 4/20/04 1:25 AM, Luke Palmer wrote:
> John Siracusa writes:
>> The "will STORE" stuff covers the easy cases, but can I extend it all the
>> way up to a name() that's a multimethod with a ton of optional args?  I
>> supposed you can (technically) do all of that with "will STORE", but it
>> seems an odd place for what would more naturally be code in the name()
>> method itself.
> I think a role on the attribute is not the right place to put it.  What
> you're doing is returning a proxy object that knows how to set both the
> name and the gender.

That's a bit too "example-specific."  Really what I was getting at was
arbitrary, simple extensibility to do "anything" in response to $obj.foo
(with and without args) down the road, not just to do the specific thing
that I described in my example.

With a "boring" Perl 5 style get/set accessor API, I can just rewrite method
foo { } until the cows come home.  I find that a lot more straight-forward
than the role playing you describe, but YMMV :)


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