Juerd writes:
> Peter Haworth skribis 2004-04-20 14:56 (+0100):
> > > I think %hash<<key key key>> is best explained as %hash{ << key key 
> > > key >> } with implicit curlies, not as an alternative to curlies.
> > In that case, why aren't you suggesting something more in line with that?
> > Here's what I'd like to see instead of your suggestion:
> >   %hash<<key key key>>  ===  %hash{<<key key key>>}
> >   %hash'key'            ===  %hash{'key'}
> >   %hash"key"            ===  %hash{"key"}
> > That has
> > * as few keystrokes as perl5's $hash{key}
> > * delimiters at both ends, so you can even use non-bareword constants
> > * existing syntax reused in the same way as the <<>> variant
> > * interpolation allowed in the double quoted variant.
> Hm, not bad. Doesn't do anything to arrays yet, but I like the idea. 
> We could maybe even treat hashes and arrays as list operators. That
> would allow whitespace, and also:
>     @array 15

Yeah, look at that!  Wow.  What a spectacle.  Gee, if it weren't in
severe violation of RFC 28 I'd jump on the idea.


[1] http://dev.perl.org/perl6/rfc/28.pod

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