Aaron Sherman writes:
> On Wed, 2004-05-12 at 14:22, Juerd wrote:
> > Actually, can't we just use the . for s///? 
> Well, that brings up something that I don't think Larry has covered yet.
> That is, it brings into question what s/// *is* in the grammar.

Well, I imagine it's just a macro called C<s> that turns itself into an
appropritate sub call.  

As a method, I don't think it exists.  It's more of a $str.subst().  You
can't add special parse rules to methods, since you can't do polymorphic
parsing[1].  So you'd more likely have:

    my $subd = $str.subst(
        rx/ \w+ / => "WORD",

Which would open up:

    my $subd = $str.subst(
        rx/ I\< (.*?) \> / => { "<i>$1</i>" },
        rx/ \< /           => '&lt;',
        rx/ \> /           => '&gt;',

à la Regexp::Subst::Parallel.  Provided the hypothetical scoping works
out there.  Hmm, would the scope of $1 propagate?


[1] I feel a new experimental language coming on... >:-}

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