
Not having a threaded version of perl handy right now (I am home, it is at work), I cannot test this right now. The changes I had made were only to change a few tests to 'cmp_ok' and add test names, which should not affect things. However in the last update (prior to this one), I did change the order in which things were loaded when I converted this to use 'skip_all'. I did not think this would affect things, but without a threaded perl handy and limited knowledge of the details of threaded perl I suppose I should not have assumed.

So I have returned the load order back to the way it was, however I have kept the 'skip_all' construct and some other changes which I believe (fingers crossed holding my lucky rabbits foot here) will be okay. But again, I am not experienced enough with threaded perl to say for sure, so if you, or someone else, could please test it out and let me know. If this one does not pass, then I will completely restore the file to its original state until I can get my hands on a threaded perl to test with, which should be on Monday.

Sorry about the issue.


On May 15, 2004, at 7:08 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:

On Sat, May 15, 2004 at 11:47:39AM +0100, Tim Bunce wrote:
On Fri, May 14, 2004 at 09:16:00PM -0400, stevan little wrote:
Tim, Andy,

Could you take a look at this problem with threaded perl:

t/10examp.............ok 165/252Invalid value for shared scalar at /usr/local/perl583-i/lib/5.8.3/Test/Builder.pm line 319.
WHOA! Somehow you got a different number of results than tests ran!
This should never happen! Please contact the author immediately!
END failed--call queue aborted.
Test returned status 20 (wstat 5120, 0x1400)
DIED. FAILED tests 166-252
Failed 87/252 tests, 65.48% okay

I got this using

        v5.8.3 built for i386-freebsd-thread-multi

I'm using Test::Builder 0.17, which seems to be from the latest full release
of Test::Simple. But there's also a development release that says
0.48_01 Mon Nov 11 02:36:43 EST 2002

Will that probably fix it?

To answer my own question: yes and no. t/10examp passes, but now t/05thrclone fails:

t/05thrclone..........ok 9/12Test output counter mismatch [test 9]
t/05thrclone..........ok 10/12Test output counter mismatch [test 10]
t/05thrclone..........ok 11/12Test output counter mismatch [test 11]
t/05thrclone..........ok 12/12Test output counter mismatch [test 12]
# Looks like you planned 12 tests but only ran 4.
        Test returned status 8 (wstat 2048, 0x800)
DIED. FAILED tests 5-12
        Failed 8/12 tests, 33.33% okay

t/zvpp_05thrclone.....ok 12/12# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 12.
        Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
        after all the subtests completed successfully

Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
t/05thrclone.t 8 2048 12 16 133.33% 5-12
t/zvpp_05thrclone.t 2 512 12 0 0.00% ??
8 tests and 104 subtests skipped.
Failed 2/39 test scripts, 94.87% okay. 0/2018 subtests failed, 100.00% okay.

Not good.


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