
I think Page already has a different meaning in computers, namely a page of memory. This one might be going to far afield for names. For what it is worth, I support event as the name.


James Mastros wrote:
Dan Sugalski wrote:

Okay, so I'm working on redoing the events document based on the critiques from folks so far. (Which have been quite helpful) I should have a second draft of the thing soon.

It does, though, sound like we might want an alternate name for this stuff. While event is the right thing in some places it isn't in others (like the whole attribute/property mess) we may be well-served choosing another name. I'm open to suggestions here...

Page? It's overloaded, but only in ways that should be context-disambaguatable. AFAIK it has no similar meaning in a technical sense, but does in a lay sense (it's what you get over the PA system, or on your pager). When you're the boss, you can say "read this file for me, and send me a page as soon as you're done". When you're the grunt, you get paged whenever somebody wants you to do something. When you've really p... annoyed somebody, they might send you a page every 3 minutes, on the dot.

You can send pages, you can receive them. Sometimes they're solicited, and you know they're comming. You can even ask for a wake-up page.

Oh, and if your pager is set to vibrate, and you aren't wearing it, you need to check every so often, or you'll miss pages.

    -=- James Mastros

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