On Fri, 2004-04-30 at 13:53, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> Parrot, at the very low levels, makes no distinction between strings 
> and buffers--as far as it's concerned they're the same thing, and 
> either can hang off an S register. (Ultimately, when *I* talk of 
> strings I mean "A thing I can hang off an S register", though I'm in 
> danger of turning into Humpty Dumpty here) That's part of the 
> problem. There are already bitwise operations on S-register things in 
> the core, which is OK.

Ahhh, now things are beginning to make a little more sense.  Bear with
me for a question or two more.

> The bitshift operations on S-register contents are valid, so long as 
> the thing hanging off the register support it. Binary data ought 
> allow this. Most 8-bit string encodings will have to support it 
> whether it's a good idea or not, since you can do it now. If Jarkko 
> tells me you can do bitwise operations with unicode text now in Perl 
> 5, well... we'll support it there, too, though we shan't like it at 
> all.
> I *think* most of the variable-width encodings, and the character 
> sets that sit on top of them, can reasonably forbid this.

<mode="dave barry">
  Since "text" "strings" are a proper "subset" of a "binary" "buffer",
which is really what the "string" "registers" really "are", what we've
"logically" got is this:

LAYER 1           2                 3
           +-- Text Ops --- (Hosted Language)
    SREG --+      
           +-- Bin Ops  --- (Hosted Language)

or maybe this:

   SREG --- Bin Ops ----------- (Hosted Language)
               +-- Text Ops --- (Hosted Language)

where semantics are found in Layers 2 and 3.  (Layer 3 could also be

Now I think that's more less what Parrot has, right?  Except that the
Layer 2 semantics are tracked (and locked in?) at Layer 1?  (To prevent
the aforementioned bit-shifting of WTF strings.)

Bryan C. Warnock

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