> Full coverage isn't always possible, and the lack of it isn't 
> necessarily a problem.

I fully agree.  however, once you start using a tool like this, management
will inevitably ask "what's that 93% about?"  and the answer is sometimes
complex and subject to judgement: "well, Devel::Cover is just a guideline,
and these few cases are really limitations of the software.  but I've
checked them out so we're really at 100%"

I think a nice future feature might be some way to predeclare conditions
that you understand.  for instance, given

  $x ||= func();

I might like to signal Devel::Cover that func() has a constant return (or
lack thereof).  another thing that is keeping me from 100% right now is the

  my $class = ref $self || $self;

where the only way to satisfy the conditional is to call My::Foo::bar()
using functional syntax instead of a method syntax.

granted, if I were to somehow signal Devel::Cover that some "false, false"
condition will never be raised and that's ok, I'm leaving myself open to
code that misbehaves exactly on that condition.  but this entire methodology
is only part of the picture anyway, even at 100%.  and sometimes it's all
about the green :)


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