Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If you want to go back to a frame pointer style of register stack
> access, that's doable, but that's the way it was in the beginning and
> the performance penalties in normal code outweighed the savings in
> stack pushes.

JITted memory access through the frame pointer is as fast as with
absolute memory addresses. The same is likely true for gcc/CGP core,
when we force the frame pointer being a CPU register.

> If you want to try it again to see if things are different I don't
> care, so long as the semantics expressed to the bytecode programs
> don't change. It will invalidate all the current JIT code on all the
> platforms so it's a not-insignificant thing to do.

That's the problem, yes.

> ... I also don't think
> we've sufficient real code to judge performance, so I think it's a
> bit premature to worry about it.

This is of course true, the more for changing it in the first place :)

What about issues with JIT and prederefed cores and multi-threading:
currently we need to "recompile" all bytecode per thread.


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