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On Wed, Jun 02, 2004 at 12:09:01AM -0500, Ken Williams wrote:

> I've just released a new beta of Module::Build to CPAN.  This is a 
> sanity-check release on my way to 0.26.  Changes since 0.25:

>  - Added the 'testcover' action, which runs a test suite using
>    Devel::Cover.  [Dave Rolsky]

Nice.  I'd been planning for something like that when I was happy with
Devel::Cover.  But I imagine there will likely always be something more
I want to do, and that Devel::Cover is probably in a fairly usable state
at the moment.

A few questions about the code though, which I have reproduced below:

] sub ACTION_testcover {
]   my ($self) = @_;
]   unless ($self->find_module_by_name('Devel::Cover', [EMAIL PROTECTED])) {
]     warn("Cannot run testcover action unless Devel::Cover is installed.\n");
]     return;
]   }
]   $self->add_to_cleanup('coverage', 'cover_db');

"cover_db" is the default coverage database, but what is the file
"coverage"?  I don't think that that is a file produced by Devel::Cover.

]   local $Test::Harness::switches    = 
]   local $Test::Harness::Switches    = 
]   local $ENV{HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES} = "-MDevel::Cover";

I think it is probably most useful for a coverage run to start with a
clean database by default.  This would be accomplished, I think, by

    $self->do_system('cover -delete');

]   $self->depends_on('test');
]   $self->do_system('cover');
] }

And now to the name, "testcover".  Up to now, I have been using the
target "cover" for this purpose, and I know a couple of other projects
which have been doing the same.  I also know other people have been
using Devel::Cover, but I don't know whether they have created a target
for this, and if so, what they have called it.

I'm not particularly attached to any one name, but I would like to
ensure consistency, so now seems like the right time to pick a good
target and stick to it.

I'd be interested in any opinions on this.

And then, at some point, add a similar rule to MakeMaker?

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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