--- Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 12:34:15 +1100 
> From: "Damian Conway" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Add to Address Book 
> To: "Language List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Subject: Re: Semantics of vector operations (Damian) 

Messages are *not* guaranteed to arrive in the order sent, but boy,
this seems harsh!

> I have trouble with junctive lvalues because I think they lead to 
> unexpected/unpredictable behaviour. For example, the "predicate"
> associated with a junction is only invoked when that junction is
> involved in a boolean test of some kind, so the (hypothetical):
>       all($x, $y, $z) = 1;
>       any($x, $y, $z) = 1;
>       one($x, $y, $z) = 1;
>       none($x, $y, $z) = 1;
> would (hypothetically) all do the same thing (i.e. independently
> assign 1 to each of the three scalar variables). 
> That makes the last three versions nothing but obfuscatory in 
> my view.

Perhaps we could consider the junctive lvalues as a sort of implied 
?= operation:

   junction(@list) = value

   unless junction(@list) == value
     given junction {
     when 'none' { (@list.grep value) = undef; }
     when 'any'  { for 0 .. random(@list) { @list[random(@list)] =
undef; } }
     when 'one'  { @list[random(@list)] = undef; }
     when 'all'  { @list = $(@list) x undef; }

(which would make for some interesting use cases around 'any', at least


> So, at very best, we'd have to restrict lvalue junctions to
> conjunctions.
> And there seems to be very little benefit even in that restricted
> form, 
> especially when you consider that:
>       all($x, $y, $z) = 1;
>          all(@foo) = 2;
> are hardly any better than the existing solutions:
>       $x = $y = $z = 1;
>          $_ = 2 for @foo;
> and no better at all than the Perl 6 distributive solutions:
>       ($x, $y, $z) »= 1;
>       @foo »= 2;
> So, on balance, I feel that lvalue junctions are more trouble than
> they're worth.
> Damian

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