On Thu, 24 Jun 2004, Luke Palmer wrote:

> > defaults". For example, using Perl5 syntax, here's what I mean:


> >   perl -e 'unlink <*.txt> :v'
> Well it's certainly not going to be that, since the <glob> operator is
> going far, far away.

Well, that's reasonable after all...

> At first I thought it would be a good idea to just make it a perl
> command-line argument:
>     perl -ve 'unlink glob "*.txt"'
> Since it would seem that one-liners would be their primary use.  But now

Well, for one thing -v will already be taken for something else anyway. 
OTOH I think that even in one-liners there would be cases in which one may 
want to turn on verbosity selectively for certain functions and not for 

> I think about the many times I've written in longer scripts:
>     print "Moving $old to $new\n";
>     rename $old => $new or die "Move failed: $!\n";
>     # ...
> And indeed I would love to have written:
>     rename $old => $new :verbose;
> Instead.

Hehe, you got the point!!

> ....tranquilli,scherzavo  :-)))
E perche? Accoppiata a una fusoliera in piombo, che se sbatte si ammacca
ma non si rompe, mi pare una buona idea...
- Salvatore Ciambra su it.hobby.modellismo, thread "Re: Ala in ghisa"

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