On Tue, 29 Jun 2004, Scott Bronson wrote:

> Parrot will only link to the GMP library, right?  Either static or
> shared, doesn't matter.

> 4: The Parrot project will be distributing source code, not object code,
> so this section does not apply.


The problem is distributing object or executable code.

For example, ponder the person, group, or company distributing a pre-built
parrot. They've put together a distribution for a platform that doesn't
have a compiler commonly availalble (windows, VMS) or has a better but not
free compiler around (basically all the commecial Unices, as well as
Windows and Linux if you grab the intel compiler) and wants to host that.
Or they've embedded parrot in their application (game, word processor,
whatever) as a scripting engine. Or are just nuts and burned Parrot to a
Gameboy Advance cartridge. Or have compiled their parrot program down to
an executable and want to distribute that.

In all those cases you've got a binary-only distribution, and a valid
one. (In fact, one that we want to encourage) Section 4, by my reading,
means you've got to ship source to the LGPL component.

This is not, in itself, a problem--that's the license, it's a fine
license, and we respect people's licenses. Unfortunately adopting it means
putting what I'd consider an unreasonable onus on the middle-level
people/developers/distributors, and I don't want to do that.


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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