Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon writes:
> As you mentioned below, this causes problems if the code in question has 
> side effects.  But there are other cases where it messes up:
>     sub even($_ = $CALLER::_) { ! $_ % 2 }
>     my @e=grep { even() } 1..1024;
>     #Okay, we don't need &even anymore...
>     undef &even;
>     say "@e";
> Put that C<undef> in an C<eval>, and all of a sudden you can't tell if 
> the laziness is safe even at compile time.

Perhaps this isn't a problem.  Think of your code this way:

    my $even = sub ($_ = $CALLER::_) { ! $_ % 2 };
    my @e = grep { $even() } 1..1024;
    undef $even;
    say "@e";

Is it a problem now?  Nope.  @e holds a reference to the grep generator,
which holds a reference to the code, which holds a reference to $even.
So the C<undef $even> didn't change a thing.

So it is only a problem if sub calls are made by name lookup as they are
in Perl 5.  If the sub is predeclared, the call to even() my have been
made into a reference. 

> I suggest that this laziness be confined only to places where it's 
> specifically asked for:
>     my @e=grep { even() } :lazy 1..1024;

There's a way to go the other way, to specifically mark it as non-lazy:

    my @e = **grep { even() } 1..1024;

I don't mind lazy by default, as long as the error messages are smart
enough to know that they were inside a lazy generator.  That is, in your

    Subroutine call to even() not defined at line 2
        Called from lazy generator on line 2.


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