On Mon, May 24, 2004 at 02:55:34PM +1000, Andrew Savige wrote:
> Suppose I fix a bug with a unique bug ID in a bug tracking system.
> I start by dutifully adding 15 new asserts, say, to an existing unit
> test program, to duplicate the bug before I fix it. What if I later
> want some way to map the bug ID back to the these 15 new asserts?
> Should I somehow assign unique IDs to my unit tests -- if so, at what
> level of granularity? If I keep some sort of external test case
> database, I'm worried about the overhead of keeping my (typically
> fairly volatile) unit test programs in sync with the database.

Put the bug ID in a comment in some consistent format.  Grep the test files.

  # RT 23462
  is( 3**3, 27 );

Put the bug ID in the test name in some consistent format.  Grep the test
files and/or output.

  is( 3**3, 27, 'RT 23462' );

grep: we don't need no stinking database.

Michael G Schwern        [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
<mendel>         ScHWeRnsChweRN    sChWErN   SchweRN  SCHWErNSChwERnsCHwERN    
  sChWErn  ScHWeRn      schweRn           sCHWErN           schWeRn    scHWeRN 
   SchWeRN      scHWErn SchwErn       scHWErn       ScHweRN       sChwern      
scHWerN        scHWeRn           scHWerN        ScHwerN       SChWeRN scHWeRn  
        SchwERNschwERn        SCHwern  sCHWErN   SCHWErN           sChWeRn 

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