On Tue, Jul 13, 2004 at 08:04:01PM +0200, Jerome Quelin wrote:
> On Monday 12 July 2004 22:40, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> > osname= darwin
> > osvers= 7.0
> > arch=   darwin-thread-multi-2level
> > cc=     cc
> > ---
> > Flags:
> [...]
> > ---
> > Summary of my parrot 0.1.0 configuration:
> [...]
> > ---
> > Environment:
> [...]
> Eh! It looks like parrotbug is working!
> *And* that someone is using it! :-)

Well, I saved the message to a file and scp'd it to a machine that can send
mail, so I don't know how well its own mail sending works.

Nicholas Clark

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