ICU outdated
    Joshua Gatcomb noted that the ICU that comes with Parrot is, not to put
    too fine a point on it, old and buggy. The ICU developers have suggested
    that Parrot move to version 3.0. Josh proposed various ways of doing
    this. Leo wants ICU out of the Parrot CVS, but Dan's argued in the past
    that it should be in there because he doesn't want to force people to
    chase round fetching a raft of required libraries before they can build

Some ideas to solve this:

1. Configure checks out ICU if needed.
2. Configure fetchs a night/week/month snapshot (from parrot homepage/ftp/whatever) of ICU if needed.

I just thing that ICU in the Parrot CVS do not make sense.
Kind regards,
Alberto Simões

Much as I hate to say it, the Computer Science view of language design
has gotten too inbred in recent years. The Computer Scientists should
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            --Larry Wall

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