Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Not a problem, assuming that these are named arguments as in:
>     open :r, $file;
>     open :w, $file;
>     open :rw, $file;
>     open :r :w, $file;  # Hmm...

I like this approach.  :a seems a probable replacement for ">>$file"
then; one imagines that :a would be mutually exclusive with certain
other options.

> No, translations don't work in programming.

They can, at least in theory, but it's a separate issue, one that need
not concern us here at present.  And if you did l6e the programming
language itself, the changes would be more complex than merely
substituting a few keywords; depending on locale you'd want to have
inflected keywords -- and if the notion of having those in Perl
doesn't set your brain to hurting, just think about combining them
with continuations inside of a self-modifying string eval.

split//,"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ --";$\=$ ;-> ();print$/

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