Alexey Trofimenko wrote:

On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 09:21:02 +0100, Matthew Walton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 19 Aug 2004, at 18:04, Luke Palmer wrote:


my $num = $param == 0 ?? 0 : rand $param;

my $num = $param == 0 ?? 0 :: rand $param;


a little off theme.. I wanna ask, could be there in perl6 any difficulties with recognizing C<::> as part of C<... ?? ... :: ...> and C<::> as "module sigil"? Does it involve some DWIM? Would we have mandatory space after C<?? ::> ?
I didn't get perl6 syntax well yet, so if it's true, you can give better examples yourself..

I doubt that's a problem, as C<::> as part of the ternary operator is only going to be found where an operator is expected, and C<::> as part of a module name is only going to be found where an identifier is expected, so it's a matter of looking for different things in different places, I suspect.

And if this message comes out with strange and stranger formatting, that's because Thunderbird's doing some very odd things in the compose window and I'm not entirely sure how it's going to come out.

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