
> I'm thinking now that multiplication of integers should upgrade to a
> float (which is large enough to hold the result with no loss of
> precision), division of integers should return a bignum (or a
> bigrat), and all float operations should produce floats. The
> destination PMC type can downconvert if it wants, so:
>      Pint = Pint / Pint

Are you sure that you mean

PInt * Pint -> Pfloat

or do you mean to say 

PInt * Pint -> Pbigint

Maybe I had been debugging too long and am just brainfried.  But if
you could summarize your current thinking in the form

bigint / bigint -> bigrat
int / int -> float

It would facilitate my following your exact plans.

"Computer Science is merely the post-Turing Decline of Formal Systems Theory."

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