--- Peter Kay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, what's the elegent way to ignore/dispose of the output the tested 
> module produces?

What I do whenever this happens is to move the printing code to a subroutine or method 
override that to capture the output.  So if I have something like this:

  sub Foo::_print {
    print shift;

In my test, I have something like this:

  my $_print;
  *Foo::_print = sub { $_print = shift };
  is($_print, $expected, "Foo::_print output the correct data");

This has several benefits.  Not only do you not worry about how Test::Harness will 
react, you also
have the ability to test the printed data, something which is frequently not done.  
Also, I've
found that by refactoring such functionality into one subroutine, I later have a 
convenient place
to alter the behavior, if necessary, rather than hunt through the code.  I've found 
this to be
very useful if I need to send the data to different destinations or add behavior such 
as emailing
critical error messages or reports.

If you hate using typeglobs:

  use Sub::Override; # disclaimer:  I wrote it.
  my $_print;
  my $override = Sub::Override->new('Foo::_print' => sub { $_print = shift });

(You can later restore the subroutine, if needed)


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