Noticed this on another list and figured it might be a p6i kind of thing 

"Fine-grained concurrency primitives from Erlang now available in
Python.  Haven't used Erlang myself, though I've read the papers.  Looks
kind of like a bastard offspring of Linda and more explicit sync
constructions / mechanisms as in the pi-calc.  I don't know whether to
be pleased or horrified by their overriding of the __or__ hook.  ;-)
Candygram is a Python implementation of Erlang concurrency primitives.                 
Erlang is widely respected for its elegant built-in facilities for                     
concurrent programming. This package attempts to emulate those                         
facilities as closely as possible in Python. With Candygram, developers                
can send and receive messages between threads using semantics nearly                   
identical to those in the Erlang language."


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