thanks leo -- it worked!  i'm still going to keep my wrapper lib around
though, just in case there are platforms where this dlfunc trick doesn't
work.  but that can easily be detected during configuration.


On Fri, 10 Sep 2004, Leopold Toetsch wrote:

> Jeff Horwitz wrote:
> > 1. can you still dlopen the running image by passing a NULL string to loadlib?
> No. Didn't work that way, IIRC
> > 2. can you dlsym (via dlfunc) a statically linked function?
> Yes. Pass NULL for the library PMC:
> .sub main @MAIN
>      .local pmc nul
>      null nul
>      .local NCI f
>      .local pmc io
>      io = getstdout
>      f = dlfunc nul, "PIO_puts", "vIPt"
>      f(io, "Hello\n")
> .end
> One caveat: currenty JITted NCI stub creation is currently turned off
> and the code in src/nci.c seems to be unable to handle the "I" signature
> for passing the interpreter as argument.
> > -jeff
> leo

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