On September 13, 2004 07:52 am, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> At 3:31 AM -0600 9/11/04, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> >On September 8, 2004 04:34 pm, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> >>  At 11:02 PM +0100 9/8/04, Richard Jolly wrote:
> >>  >Hi,
> >>  >
> >>  ><newbie>
> >>  >
> >>  >Can someone provide clarification on what mixing languages will look
> >>  >like in practice, or point me to where its explained?
> >>
> >>  It's not explained anywhere. Besides, it's syntax, and we don't do
> >> syntax.
> >>
> >>  :)
> >>
> >>  It'll likely be something like:
> >>
> >>     #! /usr/bin/perl
> >>     $foo = <<EOP
> >>       for foo in range(10):
> >>         print foo
> >>     EOP
> >>     $bar = eval $foo, "Python";
> >>
> >>  give or take. I doubt you'll see people mixing languages in source
> >>  files that often -- more likely you'll use library modules, and those
> >>  modules will be in perl 5 /perl 6/ python/ ruby/ tcl/ cola/ assembly/
> >>  forth/ postscript/ befunge/ intercal/ applescript/ whatever.
> >
> >Now why can't you use other languages symbols in your chosen language?
> I'm not sure exactly what you mean here. You'll certainly be able to
> use values returned from code in another language. That should be no
> problem unless whoever's writing the language compiler decides to be
> anti-social.
> Whether you'll be able to switch from one language to another within
> a single file, or have means to compile code in a different language
> at runtime, is entirely up to the language designer and implementor,
> and it's definitely possible that you won't be able to do that. Not
> much we can do at the parrot level -- we can't force someone to put
> string eval into their language... ;)

What I mean... Just simple runtime library access, ie perl calls python (or 
whatever) runtime library functions, or creates a new object, etc. in perl.

Just now I realised I misunderstood the op. :( I thought he meant just:

use Python;
our Python::String $str = new Python::String();

or something as equally silly.

Thomas Fjellstrom

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