On Tue, 14 Sep 2004, Larry Wall wrote:

> : So what I would like to do is (i) C<map> the list of templates to a list 
> : of curried closures in which the first parameter is fixed to each given 
> : template, (ii) C<reduce> this list by means of right pipe binop
> : ( C<< ==> >> ) with a "starting value" (leftmost) of, say, @input.
> It probably depends on just how we implement infix:==>.  Looking for
> a righthand argument that is curried to have all of its arguments
> except for a list is one way to look at it.  But all our currying so
> far is explicit, and ==> in some sense wants to auto-curry its right
> side to return some function with a missing list, even if it isn't
> written that way, which means it's perhaps acting more like a macro
> than a first-class function.  But just because the actual binary ==>

Well, then maybe ==> is not the right infix operator. Mathematically one 
has the binary associative operation of "composition". Will Perl6 provide 
such an operator? It seems that ==> (or <== for a more "traditional" 
approach) could not be the right one since *in this context* it would pass 
its right argument to its left one, and not the output of the former as 
wanted ()...

Also, mathematically, if one has a function of, say, two variables,

   f : A x B -> C

it's common to indicate the function obtained by fixing one, say the 
first, of them by

   f(a,-) : B -> C

So similarly Perl may support a similar syntax by means of suitable 
"placeholder variables" (obviously in a different sense than the already 
existing one!)

> arguments of each ==> autocurry their own righthand arguments.  I suspect
> there's a way to write it, since we defined the splat list as just a
> funky named parameter.  Probably something like
>     my $result =
>       (@input ==>
>           reduce &operator:==>,
>                  map { &*pack.assuming(:template($_)) }, @templates
>       );

So it seems that currying will be allowed only on named parameters, won't 

Well, I guess this won't matter much here, but I've the *impression* that 
Perl6 rich parameter passing mechanism will be *too* powerful (to be 
flexible enough).
> Mind you, I wouldn't write such code anywhere I expected anyone with
> less than a PhD to stumble across, even if I ain't got one myself.

Well I do *not* have a PhD myself, but it seems I have an inclination for 
functional languages-like constructs.

And maybe I'm simply a strange guy, but a solution along the lines of that 
quoted above would be the most clear satisfying for me, for it makes 
obvious what is done in turn: (i) the list of templates is mapped to a 
list of functions, (ii) this list is reduce()d by means of composition of 
functions, (iii) the resulting function is evalutated on @input. And 
there's been no need to introduce or use intermediate variables (apart 
the "default one", $_).

> [are there] Any areas of mathematical knowledge or skills that we lost?
Yes, but I don't remember what they are.
- Kevin Foltinek on sci.math [edited]

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