On Tue, Oct 12, 2004 at 12:14:29PM -0000, Leopold Toetsch via RT wrote:
> Stephane Payrard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > +++ ./ops/pmc.ops   2004-10-11 22:30:10.819391992 +0200
> > +op get_repr(out STR, in PMC) {
> > +    $1 = $2->vtable->get_repr(interpreter, $2);
> > +    goto NEXT();
> To op or not to op that's again the question. Pie-thon code just does:
>   $Py = $Px."repr"()
> or some such.

That's the point. I have not yet figured out a way to access that
vtable entry short of creating an opcode.


> leo

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