--- Joshua Gatcomb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I happened to have found the last cygwin1.dll lying
> around in /tmp that I kept as a backup.  I swapped
> it
> with the current cygwin1.dll just to see if it would
> make the IO problem go away and much to my happy
> surprise - it did.
> Details:
> cygwin1.dll-1.5.10-3 - previous stable build, works
> great
> cygwin1.dll-1.5.11-1 - current stable build, blows
> up
> I will be pinging the Cygwin list momentarily to see
> if they have any insight.

I didn't get a response from the Cygwin list, but I
asked one of the Cygwin knowledgeable monks at the
Monastery (http://www.perlmonks.org).  They indicated
there was a major problem with 1.5.11-1 with threads
losing output (my problem exactly) and that it was
corrected with one of the latest snapshots
(http://cygwin.com/snapshots/).  I downloaded it and
tried it - everything is working great.

make test  - all tests pass
make testj - all tests pass

Both work even with some aggressive optimizations
passed to Configure.pl

All is once again right in the world ;-)

Joshua Gatcomb
a.k.a. Limbic~Region

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