--- Matt Fowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Joshua Gatcomb  accidentally introduced a dependency
> on
> Config::IniFiles.  Since it is implemented in pure
> perl he offered to
> add it to the repository.  Warnock applies.
> http://xrl.us/div3

In the note offering to fix it, I also listed numerous
other scripts with non-core dependencies.  Dan, in
IRC, indicated that they all should have tickets on
them.  Before fixing parrotbench.pl with one of the
following solutions:
1.  inline Config::IniFiles with the author's
2.  Use some other core module if possible
3.  Roll my own
4.  Revert back to previous non-module version

I want to find out what the general guidance is and
try to be inline with that - warnock still applies

> = Threads on Cygwin
> Joshua Gatcomb discovered some trouble with threads
> on Cygwin.  It
> seems that there are problems with both the thread
> implementation, and
> the tests not be generous enough if accepting out of
> order input. 
> Still unresolved, I think.
> http://xrl.us/div5

The threading issue is resolved by upgrading
cygwin1.dll (see PLATFORMS).  The test output being
controlled using sleep statements instead of using
regexes is still unresolved.

> = Cygwin bugs
> Joshua Gatacomb has been fighting with Cygwin
> getting Parrot to work. 
> Apparently we trip a few of its bugs.  Read more if
> you like.
> http://xrl.us/diwz
> http://xrl.us/diw2
> http://xrl.us/diw3

"Gatacomb" ne "Gatcomb".  That is what my drill
sergeant in the Army used to call me though ;-)  There
are plenty of Cygwin issues but I have swatted
everyone I have discovered so far.  That being said -
I am going to be giving mingw a go and leaving Cygwin
alone for a while.

> == Perl 6 Summaries
> Piers raised the white flag after several years as a
> wonderful
> summarizer.  Having now just finished my first
> summary

Thank you for stepping up to the plate - good job

Joshua Gatcomb
a.k.a. Limbic~Region

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