I've the new calling scheme now mostly running. I'm down at 11/1969 failing tests[1] currently.

I had to disable t/library/dumper.t, though. It doesn't setup registers according to pdd03 and just assumes in a few places, that function arguments will arrive at the caller's end. I think, that's simulating some varariable arguments calling convention, but that violates pdd03. We have to find something better for that.

Fixes for this are welcome. The same might be true for streams.t, which at least in one function (setSource) had the same problem. Still 8 failures remaining.

The same problem is with extend.c:Parrot_call(), which isn't fully compliant. But that code should wrap a normal Parrot function anyway and not reside in extend.c. I'll fix that.



Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed
imcc/t/syn/pcc.t 1 256 37 1 2.70% 25
t/library/streams.t 8 2048 21 8 38.10% 10-12 14-17 20
t/op/gc.t 1 256 18 1 5.56% 13
t/src/extend.t 1 256 13 1 7.69% 12
3 tests and 68 subtests skipped.
Failed 4/123 test scripts, 96.75% okay. 11/1969 subtests failed, 99.44% okay.

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