On Sun, 17 Oct 2004 22:07:11 -0500 (CDT), Michel Pelletier
> I propose you and I work together to make a
> totally Forth-language agnostic Forth
> micro-kernel.  This kernel can be very
> minimalistic, a stacik, a machine state hash,
> and definitions for the words "code", "next",
> "word", and "'" (tick) all having standard Forth
> behavior, a simple dictionary and a simple eval
> loop.
> The micro kernel then just goes through some
> common stuff (parse args, load files, init
> blocks, etc.) and then bootstrap the larger
> language from some optionally specified language
> file.

. . .

> Do you think this is a good idea?  I can certain
> help along with implementing words that Parakeet
> and Forth share.  I myself have never
> implemented a complete Forth, but I've given a
> couple a stab, both direct thread models. 

It's certainly worth investigating. I'm interested in seeing what your
new code looks like once you've implemented those ideas (moving to a

As a first step, I'm going to move to inlining all words (both
built-in and user defined). Doing this (and adding push/pop macros)
will bring our code bases a lot closer. Once this is done I'll make
another release and we can compare code again.


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