I note that the perlscalar code is careful about multithreading issues (example: "if we morph to a string, first clear str_val so that after changing the vtable a parallel reader doesn't get a gargabe pointer"), but reuses a static PMC* intret.

The current PerlHash PMC coerces keys to strings, so the following will print bar:

  my %hash;
  $hash{1} = 'foo';
  $hash{"1"} = 'bar';
  print $hash{1};

Whereas the nearest equivalent in Python will print foo:

  dict = {}
  dict[1] = 'foo'
  dict["1"] = 'bar'
  print dict[1]

For Python support, it would be ideal if there would be a hash method entry in the VTABLE for each object.

- Sam Ruby

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