James E Keenan wrote:
On my Mac OS X (Darwin), when I install a Perl module from CPAN, it is installed in or under this directory:


Recently I got hankerin' to look at the source code for Devel::Cover. I would have expected to find it here:


Much to my surprise, it wasn't there!

The 'cover' utility -- what you actually use to make use of Devel::Cover -- was in the location where I expected it:


Using the Mac's Find function, Cover.pm was reported as being in:


and in the corresponding /blib/lib directory. Of course, I expected it to be here as a residue from its installation ... but I expected it to be in some 'lib' directory as well.

Can anyone clue me in?

Is it correctly installed: `perl -MDevel::Cover -e1`

If so, you can find it with: `perldoc -l Devel::Cover`

BTW, A quick way to view the source is: `perldoc -m Devel::Cover`


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