I have the folowing program :

        print   "Give me an integer number : ¥n"
        getstdin        P0
        readline S1,P0

Its execution gives :

Give me an integer number :

How is it possible to flush stdout before reading the number.

It means the equivalent of the $| in Perl.
           (o o)
     +--ooO-( )-Ooo------------------------------------------+
     |              Christian Aperghis-Tramoni               |
     |                                                       |
     | Case Postale 901          Tel : (33) 04 91 82 92 49   |
     | 163 Avenue de Luminy      SFR : (33) 06 18 93 10 70   |
     | 13288 Marseille Cedex 09  Fax : (33) 04 91 82 92 75   |
     | France                    Mel : [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
    /)                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]    (\
   / )         WEB : http://www.dil.univ-mrs.fr/~chris       ( \
  ( (+-------------------------------------------------------+) )
 ((\ \)  / )                                           / ) (/ //)
 (\\\ \_/ /                                            \ \_/ ///)
  \     /                                                \     /
print join('',map({$i=1-$i;$a=$i?10*$_."\b\b":pack"c",$a+$_+0x16}split

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