In collecting the historical data for the benchmark
statistics and graphs, I discovered that there were a
few days where I had to play the CVS time game to get
a working parrot for that day.  I expected this.

What I have found interesting though is when
individual benchmarks don't work.  For instance, from
10/20 to 10/22, gc_generations and gc_header_reuse
would just hange (still running after 10 minutes). 
Last night (11/3 at 23:59) addit2.imc is doing the
same thing.  I checked a up to the minute checkout and
it is finishing now - but there is no printed output.

So I have 2 questions:
1.  Would people prefer missing data for benchmarks
where they won't work or a manually entered high
number to draw attention to them?
2.  Should we be checking that the output of the
benchmarks (right or wrong) is consistent?

Joshua Gatcomb
a.k.a. Limbic~Region

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