I sense confusion between "closure", "continuation" and "coroutine".



On Thu, 04 Nov 2004 22:11:07 +0100, Klaas-Jan Stol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Well, I don't know how "true" coroutines are defined, but Parrot, as
> >it's CPS based, has no problems with coroutines and there are no
> >restrictions to coroutines, AFAIK.
> >
> >
> To be honest, I hadn't thought of this, either (this "true"-ness of
> coroutines), but then again, I'm no expert on these things.
> >How coroutines finally really behave WRT argument passing isn't really
> >layed out. There is a good article in Dan's blog IIRC.
> >
> >
> I'll read it again.
> >
> >
> >>co = coroutine.create(function ()
> >>       for i=1,10 do
> >>         print("co", i)
> >>         coroutine.yield()
> >>       end
> >>     end)
> >>
> >>
> >
> >In Parrot's enough to include a .yield() ...
> >
> >,--[ simplest usage ]-
> >| $ cat coro.imc
> >| .sub main @MAIN
> >|   $I0 = coro()
> >|   print $I0
> >|   $I0 = coro()
> >|   print $I0
> >| .end
> >| .sub coro
> >|   .yield(4)
> >|   .yield(2)
> >| .end
> >|
> >| $ ./parrot coro.imc
> >| 42
> >`---------------------
> >
> >
> >
> I hadn't seen ".yield(x)"
> Is
>     .yield(x)
> the same as:
>     .pcc_begin_yield
>     .return x
>     .pcc_end_yield
> ?
> >to get a static coroutine. Above Lua snippet would use the C<newsub>
> >opcode to create a Coroutine function object. Such objects act as
> >closures too (modulo untested, unimplemented features ;)
> >
> >
> >
> So, correct me if I'm wrong, a Coroutine is also a closure?
> In that case, anytime you would create a closure, you could also create
> a coroutine?
> I've also included the reply I got from Roberto:
> <quote>
> Untested code:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> function f(x)
>   A = function ()
>     x=x+1
>   end
>   B = coroutine.wrap(
>         function (y)
>           C = coroutine.wrap(
>                 function (z)
>                   while true do
>                      coroutine.yield(x+y+z)
>                   end
>                 end)
>           while true do
>             y=y+1
>             coroutine.yield()
>           end
>         end)
> end
> X = f()
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Now we have:
> - function A: each call increments x (in the main thread)
> - coroutine B: each call increments y (in that coroutine)
> - coroutine C: each call returns x+y+z (each in a different coroutine)
> Of course, all this wold be more fun with recursion  :)
> -- Roberto
> </quote>
> Do you think the above code snippet could work? That is, without much
> special code, can this be done in PIR?
> (Of course, why would one ever want to write /such/ code :-P, but that's
> another issue)
> Thanks,
> Klaas-Jan

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