
I think I may know a way around this problem.  You will have to bear
with me for a moment as I am not entirely used to speaking in terms of
continuations (I find a similar difficulty in speaking about Math, but
at least I have a commonly accepted lexicon for that ;-).

The view from 10,000 feet.  Full continuations do not operate on their
context in place, but operate on a copy of it when invoked.

The nitty gritty, consider (as provided by Jeff):

a = 1
print a
b = 10
return b

in the case where foo does not construct a full continuation an donly
uses the return continuation, no extra copying is done and everything
works.  In the case where foo takes a full continuation and puts it in
a global "evil", when foo upgrades its return continuation to a full
one (which happens automatically if foo or one of its children creates
a full continuation of its own), all of the continuations down the
tree will be marked as full.  When a full continuation is invoked it
*copies* its contenxt into place (thus it can be invoked multiple
times and it will always have its original context).  This means that
invoking full continuations will have a speed hit associated with it
(although that is to be expected), creatings full continuations has a
smaller speed hit of marking the chain (also reasonably expected), but
invoking and creating return continuations would still be cheap.

Hopefully that made sense to someone other than me,
"Computer Science is merely the post-Turing Decline of Formal Systems Theory."

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