On Wed, Nov 17, 2004 at 08:33:54AM +1100, Leif Eriksen wrote:

> Next I tried to see why D::C 0.50 didn't work. To do this I started with
> a clean slate, ala 'echo y | cvs release -d monash.its && cvs co
> monash.its' (blow away the source dir structure and recreate from CVS).
> I then did the 'perl Ma...&& make test' incantation, all OK.
> Then I did 'HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES=-MDevel::Cover make test' and viola it
> worked
> File                                  stmt branch   cond    sub   time
> total
> ----------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
> ------
> blib/lib/Monash/LDAP.pm               98.7   98.4   80.0   96.3   67.2
> 97.3

Good news!  And good coverage too!

> (Dont worry about the 96.3% subroutine coverage - there is one sub not
> unit tested on explicit direction from the infrastructure team - so I
> have the required 100%)

I'm slowly improving the uncoverable stuff so that in cases like this
you can still get 100%.  Not primarily to appease management types, but
because it helps the errors to stand out when you can say "this is not
covered and this is the reason why".

> Morale - clean up and try from scratch before hitting the 'emergency
> email support' button.
> Thanx so much for your patience Paul - if your ever in Melbourne, I owe
> you a few shouts at the bar - I recommend a James Boags.

It's a long way to come for a drink, but I appreciate the offer :-)

> Leif Eriksen
> aka Mr Testing SmartyPants (you can tell I'm please with myself cant you)

I hope the effort proves worthwhile.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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