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This is the "one bug release".  There's one bug left in the RT queue
(everything else is feature requests, doc improvements or internal
restructuring).  Fixing it involves doing the right thing in forked tests
so I wanted a release out before playing with that.

Interesting stuff in this release:

* is_deeply() now handles circular data structures.  This means things
  like Data::Dumper can now use is_deeply() for its tests.
* require_ok("some/file"); now works using some hopefully not too
  dodgy heuristics.
* diag @msgs now formats things properly
* A whole slew of old is_deeply() bugs have been fixed.

0.52  Sun Nov 28 21:41:03 EST 2004
    - plan() now better checks that the given plan is valid. 
      [ 2597]

0.51_02  Sat Nov 27 01:25:25 EST 2004
    * is_deeply() and all the eq_* functions now handle circular data
      structures.  [ 7289]
    * require_ok() now handles filepaths in addition to modules.
    - Clarifying Test::More's position on overloaded objects 
    - Fixed a bug introduced in 0.51_01 causing is_deeply() to pierce
      overloaded objects.
    - Mentioning for reporting bugs.

0.51_01  Fri Nov 26 02:59:30 EST 2004
    - plan() was accidentally exporting functions [ 8385]
    * diag @msgs would insert # between arguments. [ 8392]
    * eq_set() could cause problems under threads due to a weird sort bug
      [ 6782]
    * undef no longer equals '' in is_deeply() [ 6837]
    * is_deeply() would sometimes compare references as strings.
      [ 7031]
    - eq_array() and eq_hash() could hold onto references if they failed
      keeping them in memory and preventing DESTROY.  [ 7032]
    * is_deeply() could confuse [] with a non-existing value
      [ 7030]
    - is_deeply() diagnostics a little off when scalar refs were inside
      an array or hash ref [ 7033]
    - Thanks to Fergal Daly for ferretting out all these long standing 
      is_deeply and eq_* bugs.

0.51  Tue Nov 23 04:51:12 EST 2004
    - Fixed bug in fail_one.t on Windows (not a real bug).
    - TODO reasons as overloaded objects now won't blow up under threads.
      [Autrijus Tang]
    - skip() in 0.50 tickled yet another bug in threads::shared.  Hacked
      around it.

Michael G Schwern        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hey you kids, come back here!  I know who your parents are!  You wouldn't
do this if Nixon was in the White House!  Come on, I'm the Walrus, damnit!

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