>>>>> "AH" == Austin Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  AH> Larry Wall wrote:
  >> * We get the cute, clean and rather more typeable
  >> $var<key1><key2>[3]<key3>

  AH> No more or less typeable for me, or anyone else who can remap their
  AH> keyboard. I'm presuming there's something costly about {} on non-US
  AH> keyboards, but how much does it cost? and do those non-US perl hacks
  AH> use remapping already?

i think the diff between $hash<> and $hash{} is that <> autoquotes (and
only allows) single words and {} requires quote words or expressions. so
$hash<foo> is the same as $hash{'foo'}. $hash{foo} is either a syntax
error or something i can't figure out (foo is a bareword which is
illegal IIRC).

  >> * People can probably get used to reading things like:
  >> $var<key1><key2>[3]<key3> < $var<key1><key2>[4]<key3>

  AH> It's just as readable as XML.

it is only for fixed token keys and who actually writes hash accesses
that deep and very often? i would assign the midlevel hashes to a scalar
and work from there if this was common code.

  AH> Carp.

  AH> Carp.

  AH> Carp.

main::Carp can't be found. Perhaps you forgot to use the Carp
qw(no_carping_at_larry)? :)


Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
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