Larry Wall wrote:

I thought so.

: I don't think I've ever used a hash slice in my life. Is there something : wrong with me?

No, a lot of people are naturally monoindexous.

I like that word.

: > * The :w splitting happens after interpolation. So
: >
: > « foo $bar @baz »
: >
: > can end up with lots of words, while
: >
: > « foo "$bar" "@baz" »
: >
: > is guaranteed to end up with three "words".
: : See the comment about 'fabulouser' above and add another 'and : fabulouser' to the end.

I neglected to mention that the smart quoter should also recognize
pair notation and handle it.

I've been trying to get my brain round that, but I can't quite figure out what you mean. Pair notation is, as I understand it, when you get

        key => value

to construct a pair. Assuming that's me remembering correctly, then where does the smart quoter have to deal with pair notation? Are you considering allowing something like:

        « key1 => flop key2 => floop »

Which would be

        hash(key1 => flop, key2 => floop);

or am I completely off my rocker? I hope I am, because that's kind of ugly. The only other thing I can think of is if you're just talking about *implementing* infix:=>, in which case just ignore the above because of course the autoquoter needs to recognise its left-hand-side.

As an aside, is it possible for us to define our own autoquoting operators? I assume it will be, but I'm feeling insecure and need reassurance.

I neglected to mention that we also naturally get both of:

    circumfix:«< >»
    circumfix:<« »>

in addition to


Have to be careful with

    circumfix:«{ }»

though, since {...} interpolates these days.

Yes, that would be fun... almost worth throwing out a compiler warning for that, especially if we've still got use warnings. Something like

        Warning: «{ }» creates empty list

or even

        Warning: circumfix:«{ }» creates empty operator

that one could be an error in fact.

or if you're feeling really nasty

        Syntax error

Because I'm sure it should be wrong to create empty circumfix operators. Or am I too prescriptive? My inner Haskell programmer is showing through.

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