Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Excellent!


> Question: what is the difference (conceptually) between "new" and
> "instantiate"?  If they are different, these differences should be
> highlighted.  If not, the opcode should be named the same in both cases.

$ perldoc -F ops/pmc.ops

       instantiate(out PMC)
           Create a new PMC of the type of class REG_PMC(2). This
           is a classmethod.  Arguments are passed according to
           the calling conventions in
           docs/pdds/pdd03_calling_conventions.pod. See also the
           getclass opcode to get a class PMC.

> Also, I would prefer not to have to deal with implicit registers.

How do you pass a variable amount of initializers then?


  .local pmc cl, o
  cl = getclass "Complex"
  o = cl."instantiate"(2, 3)
  o = cl."instantiate"("2 + 3i")

> - Sam Ruby


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